According to Robert Olson, a Middle East analyst and author of several books on the region, the U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council summit held at Camp David last month gave way to the US sending a few hundred more military advisers to Iraq, but no additional troops will be sent to accompany the 3,000 U.S. troops already stationed.
However, the Obama admin stated that Muslim jihadist forces will be allowed to join the coalition forces, mostly American, in the fight against the al-Assad regime in Syria.
You stupid $#%&!@*s need to learn how to look up facts…ever since the war on drugs was created by Nixon and Reagan that money has been spent on Saudi Arabia and the Muslim brotherhood..
Commit the insane POS!
I am so glad I am not in the Army no more. I just would not do what Obama wants done. This man is evil , and thinks people should do as he commands. Sorry but no way.
Congress and senators are all in it together its all gonna be up to We The People
no way!!!
Excuse me people…….. Somebody needs to STOP him !!!!!!!!
He’s a idiot
If $#%&!@*ad is defeated in Syria a vacuum will be created and much worse will take over when ISIS steps in and stars murdering all Christians but this is what we will get under the Obama war plans.
Steven Allen, I’m glade to see there are some people that get what’s going on. Keep spreading the truth!
No way, congress wake up!