DHS has launched the Family Reunification Refugee Program, which flies immigrants directly in from Central America at taxpayer expense. Specifically, the 3 countries are El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
It has taken the Obama administration 9 months to launch the program since we reported on their intentions do so last year.
The official name of the refugee program has been changed to Central American Minors. The original Unaccompanied Alien Children was apparently considered politically incorrect (much more important than being Constitutionally incorrect, of course).
But are Central American refugees the only people being flown in?
OK Congress how long are you going to let this go on????
These are probably the muslims he said he would bring in.
his private army, and probably do not have to clear customs
fk this pos traitor
Shoot it down!
“Never give in–never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
— Winston Churchill
Fight back against the destruction of America. Try sending this to YOUR representatives:
(Copy and paste the letter below into your favorite text editor, put in your representatives name and address and your own, print, mail, and see if they ever even bother to reply)
SHARE with your friends – Have them send it to their representatives, too!
Month day, YYYY
[Full address of your representative]
There can be no doubt that the muslim terrorists are planning another attack on America.
obama has put muslim terrorist leaders in top defense, security and intelligence positions in the US where they can $#%&!@*ist in coordinating these muslim terrorist attacks on America.
obama is disarming our nuclear $#%&!@*nal. He is alienating or abandoning our allies throughout the world. He is single handedly releasing known enemies of America during wartime, to go back and fight against America. He is removing senior staff throughout our entire armed forces, and replacing them with muslims and foreign nationals of unknown affiliation as well.
obama has taken American arms and money and given them both freely to our muslim terrorist enemies. These muslim terrorists are obama’s “muslim brothers” that he THANKS. muslim terrorists that want to destroy us and our country.
His executive actions unilaterally violate the cons$#%&!@*ution, again and again.
His actions threaten the safety and security of all Americans, our entire way of life, and the very existence of our country.
I am writing this letter to you to ask you what YOU are doing to STOP these illegal actions of this president, and to safeguard and secure our country and our people.
A written reply is requested.
[Your signature and address here]
fking traitor. Shoot his $#%&!@*
WHAT THE $#%&!@*????????
Sad thing is that our tax dollars are paying for these refugees to be flown into the United States. That puke can spend his days golfing while his wife blows 10 million on nonsense while our country is in debt and in drastic need of change, especially in the Oval Office. Some President he is. $#%&!@*er makes me sick to see him with such power and eagerness to dissipate our country the way he has. Him and his goons will do all they can to corrupt our country but I know one thing, I’m not going down without a fight and you will have to kill me before I fallow the so called “Rules” under his martial law that he has set forth in motion already. People need to wake up, it’s happening now and we need to all stand up for our freedom. He has already put his new Martial law in motion in 6 cities in the United States just this past week alone. That’s how it all begins. He starts with his trial runs in 6 cities with many more to fallow. United we stand and Divided we shall fall. I hope the people who voted for a “change” and put this s$#%&!@*bag in office are all kicking themselves in the $#%&!@*, if not, then I would be glad to help put a boot up your $#%&!@*ing $#%&!@*es for voting for such a f**e, ignorant, selfish, dull-minded person in the presidents seat. All who voted for this bastard can all go $#%&!@* themselves.
No one believe your craps. Someone got to be a serious ignorant to believe this c**p. Criminalize conservatism Rude and Rotten Republicans