DHS has launched the Family Reunification Refugee Program, which flies immigrants directly in from Central America at taxpayer expense. Specifically, the 3 countries areĀ El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
It has taken the Obama administration 9 months to launch the program since we reported on their intentions do so last year.
The official name of the refugee program has been changed to Central American Minors. The original Unaccompanied Alien Children was apparently considered politically incorrect (much more important than being Constitutionally incorrect, of course).
But are Central American refugees the only people being flown in?
who will put a stop to this in DC????
That is most BS I have heard from the GOP in a couple of days!!
Terrorist and criminal airline. Obama is a criminal and traitor.
OBAMA hates AMERICA and is going to drag her down!
Check it out online. It is true. Once they are here we give free housing, education, medical coverage and more. This is thanks to Obama and our taxes.
Janet Graham Johnson, I think you’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg from Obama. I believe it will get much worse.
Well, Bruce, you opened the door to the box that until now I have refused to entertain…. I agee with you 1,000 % and after these charade negotiaton w/ iran, i am totally conveniences… what still slays me is the congress sits there like a neutered donkey or a clipped rooster refusing to do anythng to right this rickty ship that was once the leader of the free world… and I honestly do not understand the lack of $#%&!@*$#%&!@*inate attempts on this joker… but congress refusing to exercise some steps to stop odama is just mind to blowing to me…
yes sir .. obama is going to get a cival war going just to kill them and us and you can believe that all
So wrong