DHS has launched the Family Reunification Refugee Program, which flies immigrants directly in from Central America at taxpayer expense. Specifically, the 3 countries areĀ El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
It has taken the Obama administration 9 months to launch the program since we reported on their intentions do so last year.
The official name of the refugee program has been changed to Central American Minors. The original Unaccompanied Alien Children was apparently considered politically incorrect (much more important than being Constitutionally incorrect, of course).
But are Central American refugees the only people being flown in?
just reported on Fox news guess how get s to pay for all of this.they get to bring all in the family when they get here.
They should through him in jail
Nobody. Has the balls to take him out
How many of his MUSLIM brothers are coming in
Time for the militia to be ready!!!!!!!!
How illegal, immoral, unethical and uncons$#%&!@*utional can you get?!
All for his powerful internal army for when he declares his dictatorship!
Homeland Security is to protect the homeland, not destroy our security!
Congress better get off their $#%&!@* and IMPEACH this TRATOR!
He has to GO …