According to a statement released this month by the State Dept., Obama’s decimation of our country continues as he will begin importing tens of thousands of Muslims from Syria beginning next year.
The first wave of these ‘refugees’ total about 9,000, with Obama first accepting 1,000, and eventually, of course, thousands of these ‘disadvantaged Muslims’ every single month.
But not to worry, we are assured that Muslim jihadists will be filtered out…
Orbis Unium
This is exactly what Obama is in the process of doing – creating his own SS Troops and Brown Shirts!!!!
Have you seen him do anything with the house and senate lately he just uses his pen and phone.
those are his people
I think the only acceptable way to do this is to establish refugee camps where these folks can be, while being treated humainly and safe from the places they are fleeing, observed, questioned, assymilated to the greatest degree possible (taught Constitution, Engloish, etc.), and checked out as to whether or not they have any dubious ties to terrorist groups, as well as checked for their health.
From a moral and humanitarian point of view it is the right thing to do, but it is a massive undertaking, and our Government needs to remember that their priority has to be the safety and well being of American Citizens and lawfull Permanent Residents.
They need to find facilities and staff to do this, because letting these people lose upon arrival or shortly after arrival with little or no processing will be ruiness to our nation. :/ Jesus is near.
A thousand at a time? Ammo is available by the thousand…coincidence?
This c**p needs to stop
This craziness needs to be stopped now!!! What the hell is it going to take to get rid of this traitor!!!!
Bring it on, we are ready and able to protect our Constitution that Obama ignores.