According to a statement released this month by the State Dept., Obama’s decimation of our country continues as he will begin importing tens of thousands of Muslims from Syria beginning next year.
The first wave of these ‘refugees’ total about 9,000, with Obama first accepting 1,000, and eventually, of course, thousands of these ‘disadvantaged Muslims’ every single month.
But not to worry, we are assured that Muslim jihadists will be filtered out…
Remember the former leader of the USSR, said years ago that the United States would be destroyed from within. Obama is doing just that.
this could be the best plan ever laid out….no Hitler and Putin have him beat….pray for strength and courage people pray to the one true God…
All I got to say Congress better STOP THEM. They are nothing but scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean the muslims
They will be sending them home in bodybags!!
Obama isn’t going to import squat……Obama is very close to being sanctioned….and shortly thereafter he’s going to need serious legal representation……Obama is toast now…..he cannot just c**p on our Presidency, Constitution, Judical branch, economy and military….the American people have positioned Congress to act……quickly….the Congressional Sargent at Arms, once directed by our Senate….can literally walk into the Oval Office and place this lying socialist weasel under arrest…..and cart him right out of the White House to jail to await trial under US Constitutional Law…..Biden would obviously be considered complaisant….arrested, and our Speaker Boehner walks into the Oval Office as Acting President of the United States…and with Supreme Court blessing, Commander in Chief!! Truth be told, I think all Barry really wants at this point is to get all oily with Al Sharpton under some mosquito screening on a private beach somewhere….he might just get his first hole in one!
I have thought about this exact same thing so many times. I hope our Military men and women will come out and help fight them all.
ya right, they are afraid of him
Nobody is afraid of Mr. Spineless……nobody…he’s history walking…no way out for him now!
We must impeach Obama! He is destroying our great Country!
Do you really believe most of this stuff..