According to a statement released this month by the State Dept., Obama’s decimation of our country continues as he will begin importing tens of thousands of Muslims from Syria beginning next year.
The first wave of these ‘refugees’ total about 9,000, with Obama first accepting 1,000, and eventually, of course, thousands of these ‘disadvantaged Muslims’ every single month.
But not to worry, we are assured that Muslim jihadists will be filtered out…
Biden just sits back and ignores everything, what a joke for vice-president…..
More votes for more of Obama’s evil kind.
Show all Muslims working in stores and in the public how we feel toward tem. Slap the women in the face and let them know they are nothing but trash!
This can’t be true?
Why are we letting him??? Stop him….that’s what you were elected to do.
That’s what I’ve been saying. Our police & military will be fighting each other. DO NOT give up your guns
Impeach this traitor!
Is there nothing we can do to stop this?
I wouldn’t doubt it!