According to a statement released this month by the State Dept., Obama’s decimation of our country continues as he will begin importing tens of thousands of Muslims from Syria beginning next year.
The first wave of these ‘refugees’ total about 9,000, with Obama first accepting 1,000, and eventually, of course, thousands of these ‘disadvantaged Muslims’ every single month.
But not to worry, we are assured that Muslim jihadists will be filtered out…
Whoever decides t hese things. Stand up for our rights like you are supposed to do and get him out of office.
is there no one that has the backbone to stop him
From what i have been reading with the Bible prophecy we are nearing the end of times if we arent in it already.He is making leadway for the anti christ in some way/America isnt a free country anymore .We aren’t even mentioned in the Bible he didn’t even go to FranceOur country is being threeatened among many countries we no longer and havent for years had prayers in schools Christians are being killed everyday for their faith Ministers are told in a town that they have to give there sermons to the mayor each week before they are allowed to preaCh this is what our America is looking like.Cops shooiting blacks you dont hear them shooting whites.America is only going to get worse unless we have a Christian revival and stand up against Obama.And i heard a few weeks ago on the radio that immunizations will no longer be a choice but mandatory and that micro human chipping is already taking place and being implanted and available starting next year or two i have a feeling that before obama leaves office its going to be a start and the numbers that you cant see have 666.I was reading it.and its amazingh ow i was reading something a year or two from the john haggai services in regarding Isis and what he said then is happening now.The blood moons were also talked about by the.J.H. ministries and its happening now as well.How much lying back is America and the Christians take before Christ’s second coming.I have nothing against gays because a lot of my friends are gay and my daughter is bi secual their still the same person and nothing has changed and we are not to judge but more are coming out and more parents are killing their kids this was all predicted in the last days of the bible and we are heading towards world war three .Movies with predictions are coming true everyday.But its time we wake up take a stand and take back our country before its really gone as well as our freedom.
by 2016 we wont have a country left..
ship them back in body bag
We need all our men and woman in every aspect of the Forces, to “MAKE THINGS RIGHT”!!!
muslim refugees brought to this country for safety, what about all the Christian refugees throughout the middle east?
I know he has his own Muslim agenda.