If you’ve ever wondered why President Obama has such a hard time getting things done, fret not, the mystery has been solved. If you watch the video on the next page, you might notice something that sticks out, and by sticks out I mean the problem is so erect that it’s difficult not to notice, especially with all of the attention everybody else is paying to it and the lack of attention Obama is. Sometimes, while flying in airplanes things pop up, that you have to take care of. Being president is a hard job and the hours are often long and pressing. Sometimes you just have to flex a bit and take care of business.
Okay, so the paragraph above will make more sense when you see the video of President Obama sporting a hard-on to female reporters while flying on a plane back in 2008. It would seem that Michelle is the first lady, but she’s not theĀ firstĀ lady he’d choose to get rid of his problems.
Watch the video on the next page.
Hes disgusting and so his his$#%&!@*wife
Just another day on the campaign trail for the self identifying Kenyan Coke snorting Commie
Click bate
Dont see that all over the headlines
because he’s a$#%&!@*!
For over a year, there has been a war on decency. For over a year, there has been event after event to indicate that we were going down a moral gutter the likes of which presidential politics has never seen in the modern era. For over a year, we screamed until we were hoarse that calling Mexicans rapists, banning people based on their religion, not disavowing Klan members, calling women fat and disgusting, dishonoring POWS and Purple Heart fallen soldiers, and making fun of the disabled was not only unpresidential but unbecoming of a human being. And most importantly, for eight years we have sat astonished that a political ascension could be gamed out of questioning the birthplace of our first black President. But, now that we have a video that makes you cringe in front of your daughters and wives because it infers that a Presidential nominee can take what he wants from a woman when he wants it, you want to disavow? Now, that an Access Hollywood video doesn’t serve your narrative that you are the party of morality and conservatism, you want to rid yourself of him like a used tic tac? Now, to save your senate and House seats, you want to replace your nominee while improvising Democracy? No. you don’t get that pleasure. You don’t get to pretend like you are mortified. You made this bed. Now, you sleep in it. You have said this is a change election. So, here’s what I suggest. Every politician who has cozied up to this sociopathic demagogue MUST BE CHANGED. Vote them out. Let them wear this like a Scarlett Letter. Let them really apologize to us by stepping down because their “judgement” is questionable at best and sickening at worst by choosing party over country. Let them explain to their children why, when the choice was so clear, they stood like cowards by a man children can see as a fraud. That my friends is a change election. See you all on voting day
Obama needs to$#%&!@*up on proper decorum !!!