Barack Obama has been an arrogant and high-handed leader who is uninterested in both tradition and in the feelings and history of the people. Certainly his overt decisions to denigrate the value and traditions of the Confederate south have angered many, many citizens whose ancestors were proud, patriotic people, and to essentially erase the history and contribution of those states has been beyond insulting. Obama does not care, since his opinion reigns supreme.
Now he is on another mission to insult and dismiss the feelings of some of the most committed Americans who have ever trod the shores of this country. He will do that by cozying up to unrepentant communists who have called for our destruction for years.
See who Obama is visiting, page 2:
I hope they keep it there.
Maybe Cuba will keep him .
We Americans can only hope so.
F obama
He’s our president.
Right, Tinder Kiely?
There’s nothing wrong with being friendly and neighborly. They hate us cause we hate them. Just because they’re communists doesn’t mean we need to hate them!
Well obviously he hates out country! He’s not white and has a different name…. Therefore, he’s out to get us!
It’s still a communist country! Never should any thing be happening until a free elections and a democratic government are in place ! F Ofuckheads f**e BS