You might want to read the following sentence twice because it’s so incredible that you won’t be able to believe it.
President Obama told the truth. About guns, no less.
Now, this isn’t to say that he has become great crusader for the Second Amendment. No, as a matter of fact, he still believes in the long discredited idea of gun control, as evidenced by his illegal executive orders widening the background check system. But for whatever reason, he has finally admitted (albeit partially) that the argument for gun control relies on blatant falsehoods.
Speaking on national television, the president once again hawked new gun control measures, with many commentators ohhing and ahhing over his visible tearing up during the speech. But predictably, one part of his address didn’t get as much attention: his admission that two thirds of the gun death statistics paraded around by anti-gunners are suicides, not homicides.
Of course, suicide is tragic in-and-of itself. One suicide is too many. But for liberals to disingenuously lump it in with murders carried out with firearms and cite instances of it as proof of a “gun violence” epidemic in the country that necessitates the erosion of our Constitutional rights is preposterous.
See Obama’s remarks for yourself on the next page:
Very well Saudi but doesn’t appear people see this but I do
Odumma only lies when his lips move!!!!! Has ABSOLUTELY NO COMMON SENSE, WHATSOEVER………..His “facts” are questionable, at best!!!!!
US policy….
Taking a stroll a long the railroad tracks…
His pipe dream… you can not and will not be able to tell if someone is going to commit suicide … they can be fine for years then bam it hits them later in life… and this is no reason to blame the gun as it takes a HUMAN WITH BRAIN TO PULL THAT TRIGGER… that’s of course they didn’t make a robot to do there dirty work for them like the idiot in chief does….
Yeah Obama,you caused it all,with your raise baitting, threatening Americans,and bringing in pigs to our country, that you want us to bow down to,that are ungrateful,and just want to rape and molest children,no respect for any one at all,and want to change our laws,to suit them and you, and want to kill us , We the people will defend our selves, against you!
You mean black on black…
Teresa frankln, Billy Swofforf, I made no mention of race. The liberal led media only sensationalizes gun related deaths that support their anti gun agenda. Look at the FBI stats on homicide rates, do a little math. You’ll be shocked at what you find.
I suspect drugs are the common factor in the majority of cases.