You might want to read the following sentence twice because it’s so incredible that you won’t be able to believe it.
President Obama told the truth. About guns, no less.
Now, this isn’t to say that he has become great crusader for the Second Amendment. No, as a matter of fact, he still believes in the long discredited idea of gun control, as evidenced by his illegal executive orders widening the background check system. But for whatever reason, he has finally admitted (albeit partially) that the argument for gun control relies on blatant falsehoods.
Speaking on national television, the president once again hawked new gun control measures, with many commentators ohhing and ahhing over his visible tearing up during the speech. But predictably, one part of his address didn’t get as much attention: his admission that two thirds of the gun death statistics paraded around by anti-gunners are suicides, not homicides.
Of course, suicide is tragic in-and-of itself. One suicide is too many. But for liberals to disingenuously lump it in with murders carried out with firearms and cite instances of it as proof of a “gun violence” epidemic in the country that necessitates the erosion of our Constitutional rights is preposterous.
See Obama’s remarks for yourself on the next page:
Sick of the BS going on?? A free world is waiting for those in need. The technology is here now to supply the necessities we need to survive, we only have to create this free world. Out with the old and in with the new. Its time for change. Join this group to be part of the change> .
Suicides…yep, 20000 of them last year. Of the 10000 additional deaths I’d like to know how many deaths can be attributed to known felons, blacks/whites, spouses/girl friends, lovers, commission of crimes. Nothing about that..just a broad sweeping statement regarding the total number. The total number means nothing if you don’t know what its comprised of!!!!
Japan has one of highest suicide rates,yet total ban on firearm ownership. Switzerland has one of the lowest rates yet a high percentage of guns un the home.
No Correlation between guns and suicide
Criminal of the year.
Ya, blacks that are out of control. He is so stupid!
When the second amendment was written;
Guns were a necessity of every day life on the frontier we call America today.
The ability of “we the people” to resist tyranny was and should be at the forefront of any discussion about firearms; because it was definitely on the minds of those who wrote the Constitution.
(The right of self defense); means all people should have the ability to defend themselves from anything that would take their freedom away. And that right should only be taken away by due process of law and a jury of their peers.
Laws that limit these rights for everyone (except the government and their enforcers) are immoral; and should be resisted by any free people.
The real reason in one word, “blacks” 83% of all murders with guns
Not in America.
Actually the biggest percentage is Whites killing whites.