Obama announced this month his intention to control state and local law enforcement, and he even told us how he would enforce the transition to the nationalization of our local police departments.
The feds have increased control our educational system with Common Core, and they did so with the same method they will use to nationalize local cops: getting everyone hooked on federal dollars.
The addiction to ‘free money’ will cost this nation everything.
Obama can’t handle Washington. He needs to keep his $#%&!@* out of state and local government.
This is not good.
Don’t see any horns on your head
It WILL come to this
$#%&!@* hope you rot in hell mother $#%&!@*er.
Another uncons$#%&!@*utional move. Same exact thing $#%&!@* did. Is history repeating itself?
I call bull$#%&!@*. I don’t even remotely believe this post.
not gonna happen
$#%&!@*. That. $#%&!@*
Read the NDAA. DumbO & Co. add new civilian controls to it every year since 2008. http://armedservices.house.gov/index.cfm/ndaa-home?p=ndaa