A true and honorable leader gives his team credit for victories, and takes the blame for their failures. President Obama is no leader. He is an empty suit with a teleprompter. He is also thin skinned, petulant, and a world class liar, as well as an embarrassment to the office of the presidency. His antagonism towards the military, men and women who would lay down their life for him, even as he denigrates them and diminishes their contribution, is well known.
As his presidency winds down and his multitudinous failures in foreign affairs become more and more evident, Obama is anxious to find someone to blame. When he came into office, he assured the American people that his superior ability to sit down and “communicate” with our foes would lead to great and wonderful diplomatic progress. As it stands now, Russia is resurgent and anxious to gain more clout and control in Ukraine, Syria, and other European nations. North Korea is threatening to nuke the United States. Iran is well on its way to building nuclear weapons. And ISIS is a scourge of the world, murdering innocents in Paris, Turkey, California, and Belgium, as well as throughout the Middle East.
And yes, although Obama refuses to call them Muslim terrorists, ISIS is the same group that the president once insisted was only a “jayvee” team in the arena of Middle East terrorism. Now that it is clear they are truly a scourge on humanity, Barack is looking to walk back his comments and blame his assessment on someone else.
Obama falsely blames and American hero, page 2:
Yet this POS of a POTUS will never pass up the chance to use military members achievements or awards as a photo op, if it serves his self-aggrandizing, egomaniacal, narcissistic agenda. It thoroughly makes me cringe anytime I see Barack Hussein Obama bestowing and award on an American military hero…. Because I can’t help thinking that this POS of a POTUS doesn’t deserve to touch the medals or uniform of anyone in our armed services. Period!
Impeach his sorry traitorous muslim arss, POS has no right to retirement benefits, what he and his radical buddies need is to be hung for their Un American activities, ,
Can this man equal child ever take responsibility for any of his actions . Yeah he doesn’t know if you want to use a women’s bathroom or the boys bathroom there’s something definitely wrong with this person
So blame everyone else … What an a-hole.
No personal accountability.
I personally served under Gen Lloyd J. Austin several times during my military career. He is a man of utmost dignity and unwavering faithfulness to this country. I have nothing but the highest degree of respect and admiration for the man. For Obama to pass blame onto him showed just how pathetic of a leader Mr. Obama is.