Barack Obama may be in the final months of his term, but that doesn’t mean he’s done accumulating power.
The federal government has been growing steadily ever since Obama has taken office. Despite what his Democratic predecessor Bill Clinton has said, the “era of big government” is alive and well thanks to our current president. It’s not because public opinion has turned back in favor of big government, though. It’s because Barack Obama wants big government back, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make it so.
We’ve already seen this through his excessive and illegal abuse of executive action — essentially rendering congress useless — but now he’s looking to take rights away from average Americans, too.
The latest victims of Obama’s federal overreach may be the fishermen feeding our country’s coasts.
See what they’re afraid Obama may do on the next page:
Ban Obama and arrest hiim!
I’m surprised he hasn’t banned pork.
Throw mfer to great whites!
Yale Professor states:
Obama authorized to suspend election until January 20. Speaker of the House will serve as interim President until a President can be selected.
Obama wants to stop Trump because he can’t be controlled by Puppeteers!
Your time is over, you are out,go back home to Kenya!!!!
What a you know what.
How about some hand cuffs and a prison cell!
فخآمة ألرئيس أحضر متخصص يفك عنك ديمة ألصفآر ألتي أعدت لقتلك بحلقة تليف الكبد أو ويآء ألكبد ألبآئي أن كآن هنآك أي عمل عسكري أمريكي في ألأقليم فأبدأ ولآ تخف من أي شيئ فقد بتنآ نفضل الموت أكثر من تفضيلنآ لحيآت ألرق وألعبوديه وألأذلآل على أيدي مجموعه من السفله وألأنذآل دآخل ألأقليم ألذي سأبيعه للولآيآت ألمتحده ألأمريكيه أو ألأتحآد ألأوروبي مقآبل تعويضآتي من أليمن وأبدء بأنزآل جوي أمريكي
Everything repealed in 3’…2’…1…