Every time there is a tragic shooting in the last 6 1/2 years, the Obama Administration takes it as an opportunity to point the finger beyond the tragedy, and at the second amendment, and anyone who supports it. The fact that Obama and his “supporters” will never be able to overcome is this: if a person wants to get a gun, no matter what the laws are, they will get a gun.
What did he trot out to capitalize on this most recent tragedy? Read on:
This is ovomits fault
How about collecting all the sharp swords from ISIS, and knives too, before Americans give up their guns.
Who would expect anything different from this——–.
Let’s Control the Idiots that’s trying to control our life’s
By not electing them
Lock him up
Where is a phone call to their parents? He is a False Idol.
Is anyone surprised by this?!
No one is causing racial division. People are just revealing who they have always been. https://singularityfree.wordpress.com/2015/08/27/the-liberation-of-bliss/
YOUR fault obama for setting race relations back 60 years !! You are BI RACIAL and advertise yourself as black to dupe everyone (especially black people). No one is more racist than you.
Happy belated birthday, sweet lady! Glad it was a good day. Vicky told me that Jonathan one of her cl$#%&!@*es. ☺