Barack Obama has once again circumvented America’s legislative process to push his administration’s unpopular leftist agenda. This time he’s pushing his anti-gun politics, just as he has with illegal immigration policy and the transgender bathrooms issue.
The White House announced new policies earlier this year for those receiving social security benefits in conjunction with President Obama’s January 5th executive order on gun ownership. Few seemed to notice, when it was revealed, that the order granted the administration power to withhold Second Amendment rights from those who collect social security!
The move makes little logical sense, unless you’re a Socialist keen on pushing the United States toward totalitarian rule. Beneficiaries of Social Security have never proven themselves to be particularly violent or incapable of gun ownership. It really seems this is part of Obama’s overall scheme to slowly and surreptitiously limit gun ownership whenever and wherever possible.
No doubt the administration hopes this slow creep of new regulations will go undetected until it is too late to be repealed. But the watchful eyes of conservative media caught them in the act.
Learn the details of Obama’s secret gun ban on the Next Page:
Marc Rush – and just what would be the justification, logic, reasoning, and/or rationale you would present in support of your response? Did you bother to read any of the publications referenced? Two of them were written by your apparent hero, your “great leader”, barack obama himself. I suspect you haven’t read a damn thing because your response appears to be that of the typical, shallow, empty-headed liberal who, in the absense of substance, resorts to insults, sarcasism, denial, and/or name calling. Perhaps you should pull your head out of your$#%&!@* open your eyes and ears to see just what the hell is going on in this country today.
TRUMP will disavow this
When I’m retired and old I won’t give a rats$#%&!@*about much But I will still defend my 2nd amendment right So come at me bro.
Obama is not and never was ,my president !!
His executive order will be in place until January 20 2017. This is just so he can say he did it. We do need to push for repeal of anti gun legislation that is law already!
If they bring in the U.N. just aim for the blue helmets!
Molly Rolling lol…what an idiot.
GOD gave me my rights, not the Govt. Read the constitution before you try that c**p, Obama!
hell they dont need to worry my mental health i have been crazy for yrs ………lmfao they really to worry about when i let my demons lose , lol now let them deal with that$#%&!@*! and there is more just like me hell just look around ……..lmfao really sad i think !