Barack Obama has once again circumvented America’s legislative process to push his administration’s unpopular leftist agenda. This time he’s pushing his anti-gun politics, just as he has with illegal immigration policy and the transgender bathrooms issue.
The White House announced new policies earlier this year for those receiving social security benefits in conjunction with President Obama’s January 5th executive order on gun ownership. Few seemed to notice, when it was revealed, that the order granted the administration power to withhold Second Amendment rights from those who collect social security!
The move makes little logical sense, unless you’re a Socialist keen on pushing the United States toward totalitarian rule. Beneficiaries of Social Security have never proven themselves to be particularly violent or incapable of gun ownership. It really seems this is part of Obama’s overall scheme to slowly and surreptitiously limit gun ownership whenever and wherever possible.
No doubt the administration hopes this slow creep of new regulations will go undetected until it is too late to be repealed. But the watchful eyes of conservative media caught them in the act.
Learn the details of Obama’s secret gun ban on the Next Page:
It is “IF” they are unable to manage their own affairs. Even this would be a violation of ones 2nd amendment rights. Trump will do away with most of Obama executive orders so big deal.
I debated long and hard once I could file for the last few years about submitting for my S.S. retirement… then I had the Eureka Moment and realized it was “free money I could buy guns with” wow the government giving me money to buy guns. Well must have caught up with me!
Trump over-ride in 4…3…2…
This is a b******t post—The excutive order basically says people who are mentally ill or incompetant should not have guns—how can you disagree with this ????
Sorry, the 2nd Amendment is still in effect. Bye, Dummy!! You’re done!!
just remember… helmets make great targets…
So they are saying that these people are a danger to themselves and others so we will take away their guns and then send them home to their neighbors and families where they will continue to be a danger to themselves and others – just without guns. Shouldn’t people who are actually a danger to themselves and others be institutionalized and given treatment until they are no longer a danger to themselves and others??? Is there some magical condition where they are only a danger to themselves and others if there are guns around but without the guns these patients are totally OK?
Once again attempts to violate OUR Constitution,How come no criminal charges against him? Huh Lowretta?
Mark McCabe what is to keep our wonderful group of corrupt elites from deciding that all seniors are incapable of handling their own affairs and then confiscating their guns?