Barack Obama has once again circumvented America’s legislative process to push his administration’s unpopular leftist agenda. This time he’s pushing his anti-gun politics, just as he has with illegal immigration policy and the transgender bathrooms issue.
The White House announced new policies earlier this year for those receiving social security benefits in conjunction with President Obama’s January 5th executive order on gun ownership. Few seemed to notice, when it was revealed, that the order granted the administration power to withhold Second Amendment rights from those who collect social security!
The move makes little logical sense, unless you’re a Socialist keen on pushing the United States toward totalitarian rule. Beneficiaries of Social Security have never proven themselves to be particularly violent or incapable of gun ownership. It really seems this is part of Obama’s overall scheme to slowly and surreptitiously limit gun ownership whenever and wherever possible.
No doubt the administration hopes this slow creep of new regulations will go undetected until it is too late to be repealed. But the watchful eyes of conservative media caught them in the act.
Learn the details of Obama’s secret gun ban on the Next Page:
I may have to agree with you.
This is either badly researched or false. Executive orders are public information. The article says the order was signed January 5th – so I checked the national archives database (which I’ll link below for anyone to verify). Obama has not signed any executive orders on any January 5th since taking office.
One of the most detestable and abject man on the face of the earth.But he is not bigger than God and God will have the last word.
If we don’t hang this sorry @ss piece of c**p soon, this country has accepted it’s decline into a banana republic. Rules written in pencil to benefit whoever is in charge at the moment and always against the people.
Sorry to say but it is coming to that
he’s all done midnight tonight ,NO MORE DECITIONS FROM HIM WITHOUT PRESIDENT ELECTS PERMISSION ,now only two months before he is just a very bad memory !
this is all that the modern democratic is about any more, taking things and rights away from the American people and trying to sound like we never had that right to start with. They sound like the communist party, just better liars.
Your a fuken traitor