Democrats insist that they do not want to confiscate or ban guns from law-abiding citizens, they simply want to have “common-sense” requirements for background checks to make sure the wrong people cannot obtain guns. The Obama administration repeats the refrain, but issues illegal and sweeping mandates by executive fiat that the people do not agree on and the courts do not support. Obama is a sneaky and dishonest autocrat who is determined to take guns away from citizens because he wants to disarm the nation.
No word yet about how any of his executive orders will accomplish anything about disarming the criminals.
Obama’s latest scheme is to prevent small gunsmiths from working on and repairing guns by making it financially impossible to stay in business. That is the height of arrogance and heartlessness, but he does not seem to have any compassion for these small business owners. He will insist, of course, that he is a compassionate leader interested in individuals who run their small businesses. He is once again simply lying.
New Obama rules drive small businessmen out of business, page 2:
Who can believe anything when it comes to the Democrats! Gun control doesn’t solve the problem, look at Chicago! The gangs are the problem!
Dictator. This guy wants to put anything related to guns out of business. Will he outlaw tanks and artillery next? What a jerk!
If a law is unconstitutional it is invalid don’t obey it.
F**k you Obama
Obama as only one concern……how much damage he can do to America before he leaves the White House. I think he is going to become even more ridiculous in the months he has left. We need to be on the watch and the House and the Senate need to do their jobs! They are almost as much to blame as he is….they have sat on their behinds and watch this happen! Remember that when you vote!!!
Obama does not have the authority to do so.
This is the craziest person I ever seen he knows he is wasting his time they above the law why should anyone else obey the laws that only give them the upper hand on citizens
His executive orders mean nothing!
Worthless paper!