Democrats insist that they do not want to confiscate or ban guns from law-abiding citizens, they simply want to have “common-sense” requirements for background checks to make sure the wrong people cannot obtain guns. The Obama administration repeats the refrain, but issues illegal and sweeping mandates by executive fiat that the people do not agree on and the courts do not support. Obama is a sneaky and dishonest autocrat who is determined to take guns away from citizens because he wants to disarm the nation.
No word yet about how any of his executive orders will accomplish anything about disarming the criminals.
Obama’s latest scheme is to prevent small gunsmiths from working on and repairing guns by making it financially impossible to stay in business. That is the height of arrogance and heartlessness, but he does not seem to have any compassion for these small business owners. He will insist, of course, that he is a compassionate leader interested in individuals who run their small businesses. He is once again simply lying.
New Obama rules drive small businessmen out of business, page 2:
Frank Zycha , They want to make the total ” arms industry ” responsible for anyone’s death by gun fire ” !! That is their altimate goal & by this happening it will crush the profit line !! Personally , any executive order can be over turned !!! Besides our 2 nd Amendment we have this too ! NO REPEALING IT EITHER !!! More than likely they finally know this !!————————————————————————–>The$#%&!@*Act of 1902 – Gun Control FORBIDDEN! Were you aware of this law?$#%&!@*ACT of 1902 – CAN’T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) – Protection Against Tyrannical Government It would appear that the administration is counting on the fact that the American Citizens don’t know this, their rights and the constitution. Don’t prove them right. The$#%&!@*Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities. **SPREAD THIS TO EVERYONE ** The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy. The$#%&!@*Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders. The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard. Sources: Get this message out to all your email contacts. It’s time to learn about your rights. Our current President and the Democrats don’t seem to worry about breaking laws or the U.S. Constitution. They do things regardless even if it goes against the Constitution which they swore to abide by when each one of them took office. That itself is an impeachable offense!!!
Frank Zycha , Long version !———————————————–>Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902
DECEMBER. 20, 2014
The$#%&!@*Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.
The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.
The$#%&!@*Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.
The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard.
Attorney General Wickersham advised President Taft, “the Organized Militia (the National Guard) can not be employed for offensive warfare outside the limits of the United States.”
The Honorable William Gordon, in a speech to the House on Thursday, October 4, 1917, proved that the action of President Wilson in ordering the Organized Militia (the National Guard) to fight a war in Europe was so blatantly unconstitutional that he felt Wilson ought to have been impeached.
During the war with England an attempt was made by Congress to pass a bill authorizing the president to draft 100,000 men between the ages of 18 and 45 to invade enemy territory, Canada. The bill was defeated in the House by Daniel Webster on the precise point that Congress had no such power over the militia as to authorize it to empower the President to draft them into the regular army and send them out of the country.
The fact is that the President has no constitutional right, under any circumstances, to draft men from the militia to fight outside the borders of the USA, and not even beyond the borders of their respective states. Today, we have a constitutional LAW which still stands in waiting for the legislators to obey the Constitution which they swore an oath to uphold.
Charles Hughes of the American Bar Association (ABA) made a speech which is contained in the Appendix to Congressional Record, House, September 10, 1917, pages 6836-6840 which states: “The militia, within the meaning of these provisions of the Constitution is distinct from the Army of the United States.” In these pages we also find a statement made by Daniel Webster, “that the great principle of the Constitution on that subject is that the militia is the militia of the States and of the General Government; and thus being the militia of the States, there is no part of the Constitution worded with greater care and with more scrupulous jealousy than that which grants and limits the power of Congress over it.”
“This limitation upon the power to raise and support armies clearly establishes the intent and purpose of the framers of the Constitution to limit the power to raise and maintain a standing army to voluntary enlistment, because if the unlimited power to draft and conscript was intended to be conferred, it would have been a useless and puerile thing to limit the use of money for that purpose. Conscripted armies can be paid, but they are not required to be, and if it had been intended to confer the extraordinary power to draft the bodies of citizens and send them out of the country in direct conflict with the limitation upon the use of the militia imposed by the same section and article, certainly some restriction or limitation would have been imposed to restrain the unlimited use of such power.”
The Honorable William Gordon
Congressional Record, House, Page 640 – 1917
Frank Zycha , I hope what these college students did here that think/feel like ” WE ” Do ! Really come’s thru !! I trust this & the numbers more than I trust any news media & regardless of ” who’s ” !!—————————————————–>>Real 1000 people pr state 50,000 people poll Trump/Clinton
Marsha Conrad Here is what a Real Poll looks like in America. Please take the Time to Read.. A Total of 50,000 people Polled in 50 States….
PG Farnsworth We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.
Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.
Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.
Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%
My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life we meet to discuss stuff. 13 people who like and have served in the Military. It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or an other we called Americans.. our poll is by taking registered voter lists and we accumulated 33% repub, 33% dems and 34% ind.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls.
Another back door executive order ! Where is Congress?????
We need gun control!!!
Seriously look at the most violent cities in this country I live near one of “Chicago” these cities have one thing in common they all have strick gun control. Not working out so plus Criminals don’t by guns legally. … libtard dumbasses need to educate yourselfs better.
You whiners get the hell off of face book and contact and INSIST your senators and representatives hear what you have to say.. Liberal, Democratic, Facebook will not do a damn thing for you….
They choose who sees your posts… I assure you, they will go no where and not accomplish a damn thing…
Follow up by lighting up the
White House switchboard…
Time to invest in black market firearms……OOPS dems already there in benghazi syria egypt and fast n furious……