President Obama’s so certain of his latest reckless pet project to release international restrictions on Iran that he’s chosen to press ahead immediately with a U.N. Security Council resolution enshrining the deal. The only trouble is, there is a legal requirement for Congress to review the Iran nuclear agreement for 60 days before voting on a resolution to accept or reject it.
Obama said of the deal, “I welcome a robust debate in Congress on this issue and I welcome scrutiny of the details of this agreement.” But his pursuit of the U.N. resolution is set to begin almost immediately, according to a senior administration official, talking to reporters just hours after the final agreement, called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was announced.
What does this say about Obama’s attitude toward Congress? Read On:
Can nothing stop this deadly dictator?
He is a crimonal, hates America!
You a dam liar
he will get away with it the gutless wonders dont give a rats A$$
You gave them a pile of money that they are going to spend on arms from Russia. Boom!!! All of a sudden we are the 4th most powerful country in the world, Meanwhile our Republican congress is trying to figure out how to win the next election by incorporating the Democratic strategy. You have failed your party and your country.
Get rid of TRAITOR Obuma. And that IDIOT woman of his.
You made it worst. Biden, why aren’t you saying anything. Your not like obuma.
He made NO DEAL, he gave Iran what they wanted. Since when does one have to give 24 days prior to an inspection? How stupid can one get? They do not know how to negotiated, they begged for a deal, and they got it, by giving Iran what they wanted, when IRAN YELLS DAILY DEATH TO AMERICA. Yeah, right nice going Obama, another failure.
congress must remove the UN from the USA and ban them from ever returning to the USA.
Thats what Chamberlin told Parliament about the Deal He made with VON TRIPPENDORF on the Czech annexation, an then came WWII.