On Tuesday after speaking at a news conference in the Netherlands, President Barack Obama thanked the crowd -twice- and then waited awkwardly for applause that never came. One man took pity on the president and clapped, but that just made the situation worse.
Obama seems to have become accustomed to fanfare and applause, but his joint news conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte didn’t even trigger customary polite clapping.
On the bright side, nobody booed or threw things.
yeah are you sure he wasn’t a plant from Ovomit….lmao!!
The world knowes him fer sure Worthless
Liar, traitor, murderer.
Do you remember BENGHAZI?
Do you remember the four Americans in BENGHAZI who pleaded for help and was denied by obumer?
Do you remember that killery the evil and obumer watched as the four men were dragged through streets, tortured, raped and murdered?
Do you know he is giving millions of tax payers money along with arms, airplanes?
The whole world sees what a weak twit he is. He is laughing stick and a this joke.
He should be impeached, prosecuted and executed for his crimes.
Great stuff, even the folks in the Netherlands know an idiot when they hear/see one.
The Obamas are known as scum all over the world,no one respects them,nor trusts thsm
Maybe his big head shrunk a little over that. I certainly wouldn’t clap for the POS.
That clap came from the janitor, glad that Comrade Obama’s bull c**p speech was over so he could start the clean up and go home.
oh that breaks my heart/ Ha