Selling crazy is a good market…there always seems to be someone who will buy. That certainly doesn’t ring more true than in the belfry of politics.
The other thing about selling crazy, is that you already sell to people that seem to have some, so you really don’t have to be that great of a salesman.
Enter President Barack Obama…not a good salesman, but then again…he has buyers who crave more crazy.
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how much you want to bet that soros and Obamas other buddies bought a lot of stock while it was lower and will sell it as soon as it goes up again?
One crazy man!!!
God, he is sooooo delusional, it is really scary
what a racist looser all around for a human being also
Yeah right ,and unicorns run around my house
Where u been?? Mr.presitant.head in sand.
he is a liar
Americas first crack smoking president.