Selling crazy is a good market…there always seems to be someone who will buy. That certainly doesn’t ring more true than in the belfry of politics.
The other thing about selling crazy, is that you already sell to people that seem to have some, so you really don’t have to be that great of a salesman.
Enter President Barack Obama…not a good salesman, but then again…he has buyers who crave more crazy.
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Must be talking about Kenya’s economy!!!
Soros is buying coal stock up like mad!! What does that tell you?? He and O will decide coal isn’t so bad—once they own all the mines—and then jack the prices up for the coal, then we will have to quit eating to pay our elec. bills!!
The delusional idiot speaks again! he is so frickin stupid!!! can’t stand him!!
I think that he thinks that if he keeps telling us lies , and more lies that we will belive him Ha Ha on that
There are people who actually believe this guy
People are… they can only see what they think benefits them. Frightened for their jobs, frightened for their food stamps, welfare or free housing or government free jobs. They don’t see the rest of America who have contributed as much or more but is truly hurting. A family sized bag of potato chips that cost $1.49 cents when he took office, now costs $3.49 cents. Their answer? We shouldn’t be eating Potato Chips.
Lying, commie muslim POS
What are you smoking?