If you think that President Barack Obama only tries to make purchasing a gun harder in the United States, this next story may surprise you.
In a unique turn of events, Obama has decided to lift a restriction on gun purchases for some people within the U.S.
Before you get too excited, however, you might want to know exactly who these people are that can now more easily purchase guns.
In short, they’re foreigners. People who have just arrived in this country from overseas, and potentially have little to no allegiance to the United States of America.
Yeah, Obama hasn’t changed at all. While he cries that Americans just have too much access to guns, he’s more than willing to make that purchase easier if you’re a non-citizen.
He’s arming those who have no inherit love for this country, while stripping natural born Americans the right to protect themselves.
Classic Obama.
To see the full report, continue reading on the next page:
He is A liar can’t believe A word he says. He damn sure doing A good job of destroying America. Only people he is helping is Muslims and reason he bringing in Mexicans he is hoping somehow they will be Abel to vote for Hillary. Reason she just as crooked as he is almost.
How bout the men protecting his Dalmatian ass
Someday someone is going to chop that finger off. Then that arogant jerk will not be grinning from ear to ear.
James Mccollum
Congress men will do nothing that will cause them to lose their job in washington
The man is so bad for america, why is he still in office…..
Can some one please tell me why…… held only one person, we are America?
He is trying to arm refugees and illegals while disarming American citizens???!! This man has a clear mission!
ARTICAL 5 his phony agenda…….AMERICA 1ST !!!!!
** Taking Back The U.S.A.
*** Remember, Obama , Biden , Clinton and Eric Holder are not alone.
They are part of a large team working to destroy our Republic.
*** Obama has a BOSS.
George Soros is his BOSS.
His agenda is to KILL the U.S.A.
Then he can help the “One World Order” take over what is left.
It will be like a “Russia # 2”.
Flooding the U.S.A. with ILLEGAL people is just ONE of many ways to KILL the U.S.A.
Allowing ILLEGALS a drivers license and then to VOTE.
Filling key positions in our government with Marxist people is another way.
Getting rid of military leaders that don’t agree , is another way.
Promoting gay marriage to destroy the normal family life , is another way to destroy the U.S.A.
Government spending to put us in such debt that we can never pay back is another way to kill the U.S.A. $ 19,400,000,000,000.00 That’s over $ 19 TRILLION DOLLARS.
Letting something like Ebola take hold in the U.S.A. so he can declare “Martial Law ” and stop the elections.
Letting Iran’s illegal nuclear program until they have a bomb.
All these things and more things , are just a way to KILL the U.S.A. and make it easier to have the “One World Order”
take over.
Your children and grand children will NEVER know “FREEDOM” as we have known.
F**k him im a walking gun case I have guns I have guns strapped everywhere and the only way anybody will get th is off my dead body or the business end. I carry for my protection and protection only as most legal gun owners
Now that’s really fucking intelligent!!!!