If you think that President Barack Obama only tries to make purchasing a gun harder in the United States, this next story may surprise you.
In a unique turn of events, Obama has decided to lift a restriction on gun purchases for some people within the U.S.
Before you get too excited, however, you might want to know exactly who these people are that can now more easily purchase guns.
In short, they’re foreigners. People who have just arrived in this country from overseas, and potentially have little to no allegiance to the United States of America.
Yeah, Obama hasn’t changed at all. While he cries that Americans just have too much access to guns, he’s more than willing to make that purchase easier if you’re a non-citizen.
He’s arming those who have no inherit love for this country, while stripping natural born Americans the right to protect themselves.
Classic Obama.
To see the full report, continue reading on the next page:
So what. We don’t have to give them our Guns ! Let’s stand strong Together. Americans !
Hitler said that the quickest way to conquer and enslave a nation is to make the people poor and take their weapons. Need I say more? Obamacare, the supposed Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable. If you’re not working it’s free. But if you work the rates have gone up and up and up. Illegal immigration. Or the alien invasion. Our unemployment in this country was already high and now we are being flooded with the illegal aliens. These so-called peaceful Syrian refugees that Obama wants to bring in by the hundreds of thousands comma are all middle-aged and Young fighting aged men. There are no elderly. There are no young children. There are no sick. These are not immigrants these are Invaders. With every attack in this country by a terrourist being downplayed by our president as not terrorism but rather a lunatic with a gun and trying to shove gun control down the American people’s throats he is trying very hard to take our means to defend ourselves.
Brainwashing and blackmail is nobamas real strength!
Congress has sold out to the united nations !!!
When Obama dies all this ends
Can’t anyone in authority see what he is doing and stop him???????
His Muslim friends have proven that a machete works just fine too! Maybe one of his opposing sects will give him a demonstration soon. Bet he’d be happy he’s guarded by people with guns then! Obviously it’s every “man” for himself now days.
When they come for our guns, we must first give them our bullets.
That explains a great deal about this bloody WOG in the white house!!!!
This is the behavior we are importing to OUR country….