If you think that President Barack Obama only tries to make purchasing a gun harder in the United States, this next story may surprise you.
In a unique turn of events, Obama has decided to lift a restriction on gun purchases for some people within the U.S.
Before you get too excited, however, you might want to know exactly who these people are that can now more easily purchase guns.
In short, they’re foreigners. People who have just arrived in this country from overseas, and potentially have little to no allegiance to the United States of America.
Yeah, Obama hasn’t changed at all. While he cries that Americans just have too much access to guns, he’s more than willing to make that purchase easier if you’re a non-citizen.
He’s arming those who have no inherit love for this country, while stripping natural born Americans the right to protect themselves.
Classic Obama.
To see the full report, continue reading on the next page:
2nd amendment the teeth of the bill of rights. Without all other rights would soon be gone. That is why the sick parasitic socialist constantly attack it. Their intent and goal is to disarm and enslave all freedom loving Americans. These leftist don’t care about the facts or the truth. They lie,cheat,and fabricate all forms of false and misleading stories to move forward their evil agenda. All Americans should guard their rights,and punish those harshly,that wish to deny us of our right to due process of law
And he isn’t going to get them!!!
Figures right!!!
Oh great take guns away from Americans but let foreigners have them. Obummer u r an idiot
For his army.
He needs to be arrested
This is what I expect from Obama that’s why we must Never give up our rights vote against any politian that votes to grab our guns
Does anyone know what Obama is really up to.
because they will end up attacking us when he takes our guns away