DREAMer Greisa Martinez joined MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts this week to discuss how Donald Trump is threatening her community, and by “community” she means illegal/undocumented people in America.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with DREAMers, they are undocumented immigrants who qualify for the Obama Administrations Deferred Action Initiative. These are people the left wants to reward for coming into America illegally, taking advantage of the American economy and even having kids so they can anchor themselves here. Just like everything else the left does, it’s nothing more than an initiative meant to reward lawless behavior.
As for Donald Trump, what people don’t realize is that he’s not against immigration, he’s against illegal immigration. If these people want to go about coming into America through legal channels, he would welcome them with open arms.
Meanwhile, people like Greisa Martinez are claiming to be victims and then acting like they have some sort of national pride for Mexico. If that were true, they wouldn’t have left. If she wants to live in a “community” of undocumented people, perhaps she should take them back over the border.
Watch the video on the next page.
Just like Trump I am not against immigrants but am against illegals
If your an American Citizen, don’t worry. You’ll be fine. If your an illegal / undocumented person. You need to leave and apply for American citizenship. It’s not rocket science.
That your butt back to Mexico and come in the right way. It’s not fair to the people that have. Illegal means you are not suppose to be here,DUH!!
EWWWWW your wrong!!!
And you, GORDITA, are going to learn firsthand, it ain’t no threat, baby. Your world is about to come crashing down!
This poor woman. … she over looked the truth of what Mr. Trump said. By the way if you or anyone is here illegally they aren’t Americans, they are living in America illegally. They’re Mexicans from Mexico or whatever country they’re from until they become legal citizens. Illegals want their cake and eat it too. They want the benefits of America without becoming American. Life doesn’t work that way. We do have many bad people who come over the border illegally, that’s why their home country doesn’t want them sent back. Everyone should want people to come here legally, we can only accept a certain amount to keep from having more people than jobs for everyone to be able to make a decent living. If we continue to let everyone flood into our nation we will become a poor nation. That means no more welfare, WIC, unemployment, etc. Many people will be starving and no where to live. This is what the liberals don’t seem to understand, or maybe the politicians do, they will be rich and everyone else will be poor thus making them in complete control to tell us what to do, what to say. …. we will no longer have our precious freedoms. Do you honestly want this and do you think other nations will let us flood into their nation after we destroyed our own?
you must be an illegal
She said Trump is a threat to “our” country!!!$#%&!@* this ISN’T your country! You are here ILLEGALLY.
go sit down and eat another ham sandwich