President Obama slung some insulting words at Donald Trump this week, at a joint press conference with the prime minister of Singapore on Tuesday morning. His comments specifically called out Trump, saying he’s unfit to be president. To be more specific, he said, that Trump does not have the “judgment, temperament or understanding to occupy the Oval Office.” This was all stemmed by the Trump’s comments on the Gold Star family.
If you’ll notice, the president’s attacks against Trump have become more frequent over the past few weeks. This either means that Obama has a personal grudge to settle with the man or the left is becoming quite desperate. More-than-likely it’s the second option. The more the media and the left as a whole rip into Trump, the more popular he becomes. Not only did they create the political environment in which he was able to run, they’re fueling his legacy and potential presidency.
You can’t pay for that kind of irony.
Read how Trump responded on the next page.
I believe he knows Donald Trump is against his ( time for America to change agenda) and will hinder the idea of America becoming a Muslim country,,,,, is naturally he is doing his all to stop Donald ,,,, Donald and Pence are Americas ( !!!!!! HOPE !!!!!)
BHO was not unprepared he is doing just what he set out to do=take down our republic by all means possible!
He knows Trump will win and undo all his b******t
what did he think he was when he run still don’t really know
In the eyes of Obama and Hillary Honesty doesn’t fit in their vocabulary that’s why they believe Trump isn’t fit or prepared for the presidency. Think again Mr. So Called President, there’s no one more fit then the voice of the American people then Donald J Trump!!!
Obama is a joke
That’s right!!
Thats calling the kettle black
Trump has integrity. He is not a great deceiver like Obama and Hillary. He have a socialist or Muslim agenda to preach. He preaches and demonstrates success and prosperity through hard work. He preaches wealth distribution by success for all and not by robbing the rich. He does not lead from behind. He leads for the front. He does not support division and racism for he considers all to be Americans.
He needs to be impeached now