President Obama slung some insulting words at Donald Trump this week, at a joint press conference with the prime minister of Singapore on Tuesday morning. His comments specifically called out Trump, saying he’s unfit to be president. To be more specific, he said, that Trump does not have the “judgment, temperament or understanding to occupy the Oval Office.” This was all stemmed by the Trump’s comments on the Gold Star family.
If you’ll notice, the president’s attacks against Trump have become more frequent over the past few weeks. This either means that Obama has a personal grudge to settle with the man or the left is becoming quite desperate. More-than-likely it’s the second option. The more the media and the left as a whole rip into Trump, the more popular he becomes. Not only did they create the political environment in which he was able to run, they’re fueling his legacy and potential presidency.
You can’t pay for that kind of irony.
Read how Trump responded on the next page.
Said the community organizer
It makes me sick to look at him!
Haven’t you left you$#%&!@*
His actions for 8 years is a sorry excuse to criticize anyone else. Get real Nobama your a disgrace to America you Muslim$#%&!@*hole.
8 years you’ve been there and fucked up everything you have touched. And you have the nuts to say he’s unprepared. That takes big balls and no brains.
Really? I guess he needs to be first, a liar, a traitor, a coward, a sellout, then an agitator of the masses to meet the standards.
Damn traitor and foreigner asshole
Wow! Democrats really think this President.. Is great? Read and understand if you can:The Obama administration has been marred by debt, scandals, foreign policy failures, and an overall fragmentation of this country. He has plunged the United States into an abyss of economic debt that will create generations of American servitude paying off his wayward spending endeavors. The Red, White and Blue’s epitaph will read like a litany of failures perpetrated on both the American people and the world by this president:Scandals:Having increased Welfare by 43% since he took office to $1 Trillion dollars per yearIRS targets Obama’s enemiesBenghaziSpying on the APThe ATF “Fast and Furious” schemeSebelius demands paymentThe Pigford Agriculture Department ScandalThe General Services Administration Las Vegas Spending Spree.Veterans Affairs in Disney World and neglecting vetsSolyndraNew Black Panthers Voter IntimidationThe hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computerObama’s LIES about the Affordable Care Act“I’ll Pass My Own Laws”NSA Spying on American People Foreign PolicyLack of solidarity with IsraelDisaster with the Arab SpringCrimeaLeaving Iraq too soon and letting ISIS take overHandling of Syrian Red LineCalling ISIS “JV”Failing to Recognize ISIS as a Radical (or Devout) Muslim MovementReturning the bust of Churchill to the BritsLack of Confidence by NATO nationsSigning a Disastrous Nuclear Deal with the Mullahs of Iran Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter BergdahlWaging war by attacking Libya without Congressional approval Domestic PolicyFailure to secure the BorderIllegals bringing guns, drug and diseases through the southern borderBowe Bergdahl swapPassing on the keystone pipeline 9 Trillion dollars more in debtVast expansion of governmentRacial Division at all-time highInviting Bomb Boy Ahmed to White HouseDisrespect for CopsFailed economic stimulus planConstant disregard for the Constitution and tyrannical ruleChina overtook America as world’s largest economyDouble DowngradeHousing policies failed to stop foreclosuresPrice of healthcare has drastically risen for those purchasing itEducation policies failed to curb college costsHighest percentage of Americans on Food Stamps and MedicaidRecord 92,898,000 Americans over 16 years not workingLowest Labor Force participation rate of 62.7%Denying the notion of American ExceptionalismSecuring the Olympics for Chicago in 2016Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to Czar PositionsMismanagement and cover up of Terrorist shootings in San Bernardino, CaliforniaMismanagement of Gulf Oil SpillDisastrous Vetting Process of “Immigrants” from Muslim NationsThe mysterious Jobs Ready ProgramBest Selling Author Stephen Martino’s new Conservative, Political/Sci-Fi Thriller:THE HIDDEN REALITYDemocrats are blind ,dumb and stupid or Cruz. I know I’ll get some very angry responses but save your time, the proof is already in the History Book ” Obama ranked WORST President of all time!But truly KILLERY will be much worst. Your party is a joke, the emails prove that and how your party cheated Bernie is a disgrace!At least he had some great ideas.BTW I’m an Mexican American independent, Disabled Vietnam I supported Kennedy and Reagan. If you people don’t understand the reality of how bad things are right now, thanks to the current administration and if KILLERY gets voted in God help us! America as we have known before 8years ago will be history mired in civil war as ” We the People” will not stand for another corrupt Administration!Wake Up America!!