President Obama slung some insulting words at Donald Trump this week, at a joint press conference with the prime minister of Singapore on Tuesday morning. His comments specifically called out Trump, saying he’s unfit to be president. To be more specific, he said, that Trump does not have the “judgment, temperament or understanding to occupy the Oval Office.” This was all stemmed by the Trump’s comments on the Gold Star family.
If you’ll notice, the president’s attacks against Trump have become more frequent over the past few weeks. This either means that Obama has a personal grudge to settle with the man or the left is becoming quite desperate. More-than-likely it’s the second option. The more the media and the left as a whole rip into Trump, the more popular he becomes. Not only did they create the political environment in which he was able to run, they’re fueling his legacy and potential presidency.
You can’t pay for that kind of irony.
Read how Trump responded on the next page.
Says the community organizer.
If anyone ought to know unfit- its YOU!!!
Look who is talking. The most unfit pres. ever.
Speaking of being “unfit”? Foolish ignorant voters took an arrogant phony community organizer who had never worn a uniform and made him Commander-in-Chief, a sissy (and evidence indicates gay as well) who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and made him “Beloved Leader” of the United States – TWICE! And now America is paying the price of this horrible treasonous vile mistake. Thanks again to the Democrats, the party loved and supported by the Communist Party USA, the Nation of Islam, Democratic Socialists, CAIR and the ACLU.
Just like you were fit and prepared??? Oh wait for your domestic terroristic agenda, of course that’s different. You are the biggest racist there is, I’d call you sir but you haven’t earned that right.
all obama wants is to turn our country into one of his Islam states.
This moron POS is outta touch with reality and delusional!! He was the one unfit and so is Hillary!!!
So says the one who WAS Woefully unprepared and STILL IS Woefully Unprepared !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like your$#%&!@*has been for 8 years..
And you think you were and are Obama?