Despite the fact that a series of coordinated attacks took place at several locations in Paris with men shouting ‘Allak Akbar’, which also included a suicide bomber, President Obama says he ‘doesn’t want to speculate’ on who carried out this horrendous attack.
Are you kidding me?
Who does he think it was…the Buddhists?
Obama also says that France is our closest ally and we stand with the French. Yet, when world leaders gathered together in France in January 2015 in response to the Charlie Hebdo shooting, Obama was a no show.
Update: ADDED THREE VIDEOS tweeted by Global News on the NEXT PAGE:
We know your agenda concering Isis groups. Were not fooled by any of you…….
And rubber lips always again!!!!
This guy must get up in the morning and brush his teeth with gun powder because he just shoots his mouth like some —–. That wasn’t Mother Theresa and a group of nun running loose in Paris. I doubt he stands with anyone except his ego and shadow.
What a joke of a president or lack of. You probably did you stupid idiot. I have no respect for this insane human.
Close the borders. Thank The Lord for the second amendment .
Obama will tie the police and military hands and prevent them from stopping these thugs! These are his buddies!
He can’t be so stupid that he doesn’t know it was a Muslim attack in Paris . He wants to cover for Islam .
He is definately on the left side!
We have NO president , we have traitors. Cowards, nuts, terriosts inhumans
What did he say