When it comes to people who dismiss anything that doesn’t agree with their perception of reality, few surpass the ability of President Obama to do just that.
Of course, when somebody spends as much time canoodling with rich Hollywood liberals as he does, it is no wonder that his grasp on the affairs of state and economy is a little – or a lot – shaky. This was readily apparent in a recent interview with TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.
Having previously interviewed not only the president before, but also 2016 Democratic contenders Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, few doubted that DeGeneres’ would handle Obama with anything other than kid gloves. With even “conservatives” in the media afraid to meaningfully challenge Obama, he is able to promote his agenda without having to worry about the watchdog media acting as, well, a watchdog.
But his comments on The Ellen DeGeneres Show should have made even the most partisan left-wing media personality cringe. Asked about Americans’ pessimistic outlook on the economy, the president went and straight out said critical assessments of his tax-and-spend policies were “factually inaccurate”, basically accusing not just the media of lying, but the American people as well.
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Another Obama failure
Ya that’s wat the grey hair says to me
Typical Alinsky tactic Lie, Lie, Lie, then Deny, Deny, Deny, then Counter Accuse and repeat the process….. Also he was born to a Muslim Father, raised in a Muslim Country, attended Muslim schools and is exercising his Islamic believes of Taqiyya that encourages Muslims to deceive Infidels….
Traitor Obama s
and just how stupid does he think americans are?
Mouth open- out comes the lying bull s**t
He us a serial liar
George Washington through Bill Clinton debt accumulated was about 5 trillion. George W. Bush doubled to about 10 trillion in his 8 years. Obama said that amount of overspending was unpatriotic and promised to cut the debt by half in his first term. By the time he leaves office he will have doubled it again to 20 trillion! We are 19 trillion in debt right now and the budget just passed projects deficit spending of about 600 billion this year. INSANE. Help us Donald!!
What do you expect from a treacherous liar