U.S. border patrol agents are being slowly disarmed. Many have lost their rifles and are left to patrol our border ‘sharing’ a rifle with a fellow agent.
The Mexican drug cartels, the corrupt Mexican soldiers and federales have always been better equipped than our border agents, now many agents aren’t armed at all.
“And now they’re seriously concerned. Because if they’re concerned enough to reach out and contact me and reach out so we get this message out, they are not only frustrated but they are in fear for their lives,” states Jeff Prather, a former drug enforcement agent who now operates the Warrior School in Tucson, AZ. Agents have reached out to him about losing their rifle.
lets give them r p gs
He is totally against the law! You are a coward to serender your guns to this terrorist. He want do this in the South. We will send all those ISSIS boarder jumper back where they come from in a body bag. Goat rapers!
Two scenario and neither good. Either the majority of government is on board with Obama bringing this country down or they’re blind. I don’t believe they’re blind.
Im NOT buyin this story NOT true ,im callin BS ….dont believe everythng u hear or read on facebook
The American people should be against his security carrying arms to protect him and the first family, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. This is stupid on his part. He is just a man in office not a president foing his job never has been for eight year’s he’s working overtime to take control of our freedoms, guns, religion and country yet people just keep sitting by watching and say oh it can’t happen in America. WELL WAKE UP THE BLANKET IS BEING PULLED QUICKLY OVER YOUR HEAD. IT’S HAPPENING BEFORE OUR EYES AND NO ONE HAS THE GUTS TO PUT A STOP TO THIS BEFORE IT’S TO LATE. I GUESS WHEN YOUR BEING MARCHED OFF AFTER BEING DISARMED TO A FEMA CAMP YOU MIGHT GET A CLUE IT’S HAPPENING TO YOU.
Disarm Secret Service first.
I really wish that they would take away
Obama’s entire administration should be disarmed. Both of guns and shouldn’t have any arms
Hope God definitely has person heavens for you guys