U.S. border patrol agents are being slowly disarmed. Many have lost their rifles and are left to patrol our border ‘sharing’ a rifle with a fellow agent.
The Mexican drug cartels, the corrupt Mexican soldiers and federales have always been better equipped than our border agents, now many agents aren’t armed at all.
“And now they’re seriously concerned. Because if they’re concerned enough to reach out and contact me and reach out so we get this message out, they are not only frustrated but they are in fear for their lives,” states Jeff Prather, a former drug enforcement agent who now operates the Warrior School in Tucson, AZ. Agents have reached out to him about losing their rifle.
VOTE for DONALD TRUMP for PRESIDENT! He will Build the Wall and deport! He supports the Second Amendment 100%
Screw Obama
Through the drug cartels is Obutthead wants to fund the DNC who has a major lack of money. They also need these people for votes!
Well, if Ovimit disarms our Border Patrol. We need the Governors to cal out the National Guard. hi is his right to do this to stop the Border jumping.
Obama can go to hell for his treason and disrepect to us Americans!!!!!!!! Vote Donald Trump for president he is an all American and will not try to disarm us.
If we can get them registered as republicans they would build a fence so fast your head would spin
Insanity! That guy is pure evil.
Time to Rise and stand your grounds, why we allowing all this bs, when we the people have the power.