U.S. border patrol agents are being slowly disarmed. Many have lost their rifles and are left to patrol our border ‘sharing’ a rifle with a fellow agent.
The Mexican drug cartels, the corrupt Mexican soldiers and federales have always been better equipped than our border agents, now many agents aren’t armed at all.
“And now they’re seriously concerned. Because if they’re concerned enough to reach out and contact me and reach out so we get this message out, they are not only frustrated but they are in fear for their lives,” states Jeff Prather, a former drug enforcement agent who now operates the Warrior School in Tucson, AZ. Agents have reached out to him about losing their rifle.
not right
Obama is trying to leavr us defenceless. evil is as evil does
No more secret service for Obama or his family.
WTF? They need to be able to defend themselves!!! So wrong on so many levels!
Obama is a Muslim terrorist. 2016 will be a last effort to destroy America.
I am an American….. 5 generations of my ancestors were born and raised here. Some were natives…. Freedom of speech is my RIGHT…. If I want to have a pulled pork tailgate outside a mosque during Ramadan while preaching the Gospel and waiving my flag……….. That’s my right to do so………….. Obama, CAIR, INSA, and the Muslim brotherhood are all part of an ISLAMIC plot to change this country to an Islamic country.
Americans especially have that “it can’t happen here” attitude. But yet it is happening right in front of us. And still half the people refuse to see it…. In Sweden, France, Germany, Australia, all these countries took in refugees and now are being terrorized by them, yet Americans still believe “it can’t happen here”. Our President makes deals behind closed doors with know terrorist funding groups yet ” it can’t happen here ” our government threatens our citizens with prosecution for speaking out about Islam yet ” it can’t happen here”. 14 people are killed by terrorist when the neighbors knew something was up ahead of time but to afraid of being persecuted for bigotry to say anything yet “it can’t happen here”. Social media sites allow ISIS to use its sites to recruit new members and no one even ask why… yet ” it can’t happen here”
How about we disarm the SS assigned to him! What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Thanks democrats
Enlighten us with the truth then.