“Yes, I do consider the United States of America an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution. Move on!” stated Mohamed Elibiary, top advisor to DHS and the FBI and other agencies, in October of 2013 to great controversy.
Now, Obama’s former Homeland Security Advisory Council member has returned with another inflammatory tweet about Christians deserving to die. This gives up a perfect glimpse of the types of individuals the Obama administration placed in all branches of the federal government. Certainly, a good many still occupy their positions.
Check out his comments on Muslims dominating the world as well as his latest tweet on the next page:
Send him packing
There are 350 million people in the USA.
Hang the lying bastard!
America is a free country
special kind of stupid
Can anyone explain this!
More insanity.
There are not that many goats in America for them to rape.
The US has never been & will never be Isamic & our Constitution is not & never will be Isamic complient.