For those of you who have been following Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, you’re aware that he might be one of the most controversial front-runners the GOP has ever had. According to Politico, he’s currently the most favored out of the all the GOP candidates, beating Ben Carson by 7%.
His views on immigration, gun-control and taxes certainly haven’t left him in the favor of many left-leaning voters, and whether you agree with him or not, he has many valid points. And because of the growing crowds coming to see him speak, he’s made a request of the Obama administration that many are laughing at, but like everything else Trump says, is filled with logic.
See what this request is on the next page.
He can hire his own I’m sure.
Y’all like little swarms of p**s flies , pesty and harmless , found around waste matter !
THIS is the Final Word
I’ll help in anyway I can, until you fire him
But He got His!!!!
I hope he calls you
And see how man ppl take a shot
For the Obama supporters
Spiteful ,vindictive,and jealous,because Trump will be a much better president than Obama ever thought of being !
More examples of Obama’s absolute worthlessness… when the GOP wins… we need to treat the Democrates and Liberals like criminals, theaves, and Traitors… just like these waste of humanity douch bags are doing to us!!!!!