President Obama must not worry what Americans think of him anymore because he’s no longer trying to conceal his disregard for the brave men and women who keep the country safe.
Few presidents have matched Obama in his dislike of the military, a prejudice reflected in his administration’s repeated attempts to reduce it’s budget and his reluctance to deploy American forces in anything other than the most toothless way. The result of these bone-headed policies, of course, is the present chaos we see today, so although Obama won’t be around much longer to clean up the mess he made (whether he’d be inclined to or not is an entirely different story), one would think he would at least want to thank our country’s servicemen before he leaves office.
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yet he wants 15/hr for a burger flipper who spits in the meat?
Because this boy hates the military
How can person vote for women President when she believes in killing a child at age 7,8,9,or conceived. Taking all restriction off abortions. How can look it your child eyes and vote saying you love them. Vote for Clinton. If have a son or daughter in military. Had our ambassador killed and our soldiers killed cause Clinton would not help.They called 600 times for help. Open borders really you don’t even know who they are they could be Isis coming in set up bombs kill people. Supports Oboma care.your premiums up 116 persent and your deductibles up to 5000 dollars. Do think you going get things free. Wrong it comes out the tax payers the poor and the middle class. Even if get 15 dollars an hour that sounds good guess what taxes be like working less then medium wage. Clintons been office 30 years and nothing happens, 4 years thank you.clinton says Robert Byrd was her mentor he is KKK leader. Look it up people. CLINTON racist. You voting for leader don’t care for you ,your children ,your soldiers. I was going to vote for her but saw who she was for real. Open borders how safevare we. They want to remove right and restrict us. Guns our rights no respect period open your eyes people TRUMP is for change. We need change.if she gets in office. You will have islimac for judges, you Christians will have to remove your crosses,and follow the Islamic rules. No more Christians. No more God,no more how the Republicans and the Democrats Independent will fall. Brock Oboma 4 more years. Nothing will happen America will fall all money will pay for free care and food to islimac. All fall into bankruptcy. Watch if Hillary Rodham Clinton gets elected.
F**k Obama
but he wants 15% more in his paycheck
Social Security recipients will only receive 0.3% ……
He denied soldiers so HE can get 18% increase and send money to his Muslim brothers
If you elect monkies they pay you peanuts !
Using our yearly pay raises to support our enemies and the Muslim brotherhood