President Obama must not worry what Americans think of him anymore because he’s no longer trying to conceal his disregard for the brave men and women who keep the country safe.
Few presidents have matched Obama in his dislike of the military, a prejudice reflected in his administration’s repeated attempts to reduce it’s budget and his reluctance to deploy American forces in anything other than the most toothless way. The result of these bone-headed policies, of course, is the present chaos we see today, so although Obama won’t be around much longer to clean up the mess he made (whether he’d be inclined to or not is an entirely different story), one would think he would at least want to thank our country’s servicemen before he leaves office.
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That sob wants a raise though and wants us to pay for all the refugees . We need a president who will put Americans first. VOTE TRUMP
if he calls for martial law I pray they take him out. Narcissistic bastard.
New World Order Take Over – Wake up Odumbass is for ISIS/BLM/Illegal Aliens and wants a Muslim/Raciest/Illegal Alien take over , what did you think when he said fundamental change, those who voted for him are dumbasses, Anyone or anything that is for ISIS/Racists BLM/ illegal Aliens and the spread of Islam/Racism/Hate Against Americans should be dealt with, with Extreme Prejudice, he’s setting us up for attacks (and force us to Defend our Rights and Ourselves) so he can declare martial law to suspend the Election/Government!!!! To stay in power!!!! He’s pushing this And Clintons are for the same, Wake Up!!!!
he denies anyone within America a pay raise.Senior Citizens on socail security have not seen a raise any either in 8 years.
You big jerk worst president ever !
This guy is such an Anti America Asshole
That’s why the vast majority of the military votes republican! Any questions?
He is the enemy . Are we surprised?
But he thinks his post-Presidency pay should be increased!