President Obama must not worry what Americans think of him anymore because he’s no longer trying to conceal his disregard for the brave men and women who keep the country safe.
Few presidents have matched Obama in his dislike of the military, a prejudice reflected in his administration’s repeated attempts to reduce it’s budget and his reluctance to deploy American forces in anything other than the most toothless way. The result of these bone-headed policies, of course, is the present chaos we see today, so although Obama won’t be around much longer to clean up the mess he made (whether he’d be inclined to or not is an entirely different story), one would think he would at least want to thank our country’s servicemen before he leaves office.
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Sorry so and so!
Well$#%&!@*your raise too asshole
You’re Disgusting
This bastard needs prison.
100 MILLION GUN OWNERS in the United States. All gun owners in the United States who support the 2nd Amendment and can’t stand Hillary get out and vote for Trump he automatically wins the election. Obama was elected with 65 million votes. Do the math.. Get the word out that all gun owners need to get out and vote no matter where they live of what their circumstances are. No excuses.
But he wanted a big pay raise!
Yet….He needs to retire with MORE…….SCUM!
He is standing among you…why do none of you act to protect America. That man is a criminal guilty of treason. It is your duty to protect America from domestic enemies…that means Obama.
Disgraceful,, embarrassing, ineffective President.
A self center POS