President Obama must not worry what Americans think of him anymore because he’s no longer trying to conceal his disregard for the brave men and women who keep the country safe.
Few presidents have matched Obama in his dislike of the military, a prejudice reflected in his administration’s repeated attempts to reduce it’s budget and his reluctance to deploy American forces in anything other than the most toothless way. The result of these bone-headed policies, of course, is the present chaos we see today, so although Obama won’t be around much longer to clean up the mess he made (whether he’d be inclined to or not is an entirely different story), one would think he would at least want to thank our country’s servicemen before he leaves office.
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and won’t count their votes from overseas but will an ilegal
Obama you are a P.O.S terrorist!
Traitor get the HELL OUT OF OUR COUNTY!
Welcome to Progressives America…
Oh but he wants one before leaving office. Smh
These people on the hill that let this happen have never lived the way a serviceman or women family have to live unless they have a high racking rack.They should all be a shame for letting this happen
Please get this$#%&!@*out of our President’s office
Support OUR military and OUR future!! Vote Trump tomorrow! Please help save our country!
He should be in the stockade, breaking big rocks into small rocks for the rest of his useless life.
Has money for refugees and flying all over the country for Killary but none for vets or servicemen