Leave it to President Obama to suggest that instead of changing the way he does things, everybody else should change the way they do.
One of the many things that many are no doubt looking forward to after November 8th is knowing that it will be an end to eight years of Obama, egged on by an ever-loyal media, throwing a pity party for himself and bemoaning the fact that the big, mean Republicans had the nerve, the conceit to not agree with every single policy he enacted and statement he uttered. For this alone Obama should have gone down as the most insufferable president in modern history.
But he hasn’t, thanks to star-struck “journalists” who treated him as the embodiment of God on Earth. And instead of focusing on these shameless sycophants, the president obsesses over the small minority of the media who don’t view him as such.
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50 shades of Obama. The dude is a different color throughout the day, everyday.
Treasonous pice of garbage.
Epic Fail coming soon, what a maroooooon.
His truth? Or the real truth?
How about the same test for him and his administration along with Hillary and her campaign.
Once we get an Honest man in the whitehouse like Donald Trump/Mike Pence we will be a proud nation once again,,, and Obama and all his muslim cronnies are thrown out of our government ..Then our country will have a chance at living again ..Donald Trump & Mike Pence is the ones to clean up our country that the Obama & Hillary Administration has wrecked…l just hope all the people in this country does the right thing and Votes for TRUMP he is our last hope of having a decent life in America ,,lts a proven fact that all the democrats have done was destroy our country and caused us americans to live in a life of pure hell all because of thier Greed and love of power..The Democrats are all for money & power never to help the poor american have a decent life and then they make fun of the ones that wants America to Prosper and be happy ..Think about this what real President will Fund a nation that hates America and wants our destruction? ..Ok we have a Black President did he help the Black & hispanic people ? Hell no he only helped himself and his Muslim Cronies Not the american people …Donald Trump & Mike Pence is Honesty and TrustWorthy so why don’t we AMERICANS give them a chance of proving themselves ..you all gave Barry Soetoro AKA Barrack Obama a chance and he put our nation in pure hell plus he was a F**e to begin with ,He was never vetted or had to show any papers to show he actually was who he said he was ….VOTE TRUMP /PENCE NOVEMBER 8 ….What do we Americans have to Lose …
Stop pissing away our taxes dollars on your ignorant$#%&!@*ideas. The buck must stop here.
Never happen ! Not by our standards