Leave it to President Obama to suggest that instead of changing the way he does things, everybody else should change the way they do.
One of the many things that many are no doubt looking forward to after November 8th is knowing that it will be an end to eight years of Obama, egged on by an ever-loyal media, throwing a pity party for himself and bemoaning the fact that the big, mean Republicans had the nerve, the conceit to not agree with every single policy he enacted and statement he uttered. For this alone Obama should have gone down as the most insufferable president in modern history.
But he hasn’t, thanks to star-struck “journalists” who treated him as the embodiment of God on Earth. And instead of focusing on these shameless sycophants, the president obsesses over the small minority of the media who don’t view him as such.
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Truth And Fucking Lies ” YouTea party assholes just want that person to give you your country back, because you feel that you are this country’s rightful owner. The only problem with that: This country isn’t yours. You don’t own it. It never was. There is no ‘real’ America. You don’t own it. You don’t own patriotism. You don’t own Christianity. You sure as hell don’t own respect for the bravery and sacrifice for military, police, and firefighters. Trust me!”
Let’s all take a lie detection test!
Coming from a lier like hillary
SPARE ME !!! out of the mouth o one o the biggest liars politics has ever seen
Well then his liberal media friends are f*cked.
Laughing, you and Hilary first, let us know how that goes for you two corrupt lying assholes!
Obama doesn’t want or know any truths. VOTE TRUMP!!!
This new one will be called S,H.I.T……..Stupid Horrible idiots turds……a new federal agency
Coming from one of the biggest liars in history…Get real!
Obama and the Democrats just want a new department to manage their corruption and make it less transparent. Another Three letter unaccountable bureaucracy with make sure their crimes can be hidden. Bunch of scumbags. End the reign of corrupt and incompetent career politicians. Democrats should be ashamed, but they have no principles.