Once again, the Obama administration is defying the courts. The judicial branch seems to be just a propaganda machine for Obama at this point. He certainly touts their decisions when they rule in his favor, like with the Supreme Court vote on same-sex marriage, but then when rulings go against his agenda, he simply ignores them.
Arrest him for defying the court order, daaaaaaaaaaa. As if you do not already have a list a mile long. I don’t see any politician looking out for the American People much less his own family. Think about it.
They need to take him out of office…..
What did u expect. Electing a rag head. Liberals. Idiots.
God will judge him, and all Christians know where he’s going.
He’s a Muslim, and until he is out of the White House, he’s going to bully Christians……can’t wait to see him and his old lady out of the White House……
Time to eliminate this monster.
Morris Kent Thompson for President 2016
Poverty or Prosperity?
My strategy is designed to accomplish the following.
First, inject much needed capital into all market areas.
Second, put millions of construction boys to work nationwide.
Third, this will drive the demand for service sector and further employment.
Fourth, during this period of conversion to undo a Sun Tzu Trap, all the Chinese have to do is shut down the supply chain and the US is in economic anarchy. The kick start needed for China’s economy has been successful. It is now time to restart our manufacturing and compete in the global market.
Fifth, if you understand manufacturing, you will understand the theory of idle plant capacity. Given we will have a significant compe$#%&!@*ive advantage via a sum zero energy cost, additionally, converting to EV cars, a significant reduction in transportation costs. This alone provides a significant compe$#%&!@*ive advantage in producing products at greater quality and or lessor price.
Now, add to that a well-known business strategy of the Contribution Margin Approach to Pricing, very simply, once we meet our fixed cost in plant operations in any given month, we can reduce the sales price the equivalent amount of fixed cost per item, the micro cost, and achieve the same profit margin.
Sixth, fostering a minimum wage of $17 an hour and doubling the wage base over 5 years. The average worker since 1972 has achieved around 69% wage growth when inflation and all other costs have gone up well over 570%. The worker and disposable income is over 500% behind inflation. Any wonder we are experiencing exponential increases in Poverty?
Milton Freidman, a noted economist understood the nature of man and greed. He also understood that if the worker has greater disposable income it drives a strong and vibrant economy. The People know what they need and want and this give them the purchasing power to achieve that. The Velocity of Cash is lacking. Factor this into the models and you find we will have the tax revenues needed to pay for the services we demand as a society and not deficit financing that has driven the country into bankruptcy. My strategy will move us from a debtor nation back to a strong and vibrant economy and a creditor nation.
Hence, a strong dollar value, which acts as an artificial tariff and the compe$#%&!@*ive advantages noted above and we can compete in the Global Market and reenergize our workers and the American Spirit. And we will out compete any comers. In a very simple summary, this is my plan to bring prosperity back to America, NOT exponential increases in the poverty rates.
Screw you. A racist lying MUSLIM