Once again, the Obama administration is defying the courts. The judicial branch seems to be just a propaganda machine for Obama at this point. He certainly touts their decisions when they rule in his favor, like with the Supreme Court vote on same-sex marriage, but then when rulings go against his agenda, he simply ignores them.
Now we need to kick him out and take America back for the people.
The MOST devisive president ever
up your muslim lover
hang this muslim now for treason
And who didn’t know this would happen?
He’s just so evil, so hell-bent to totally destroy this counry. that’s the face of the worst -ever thing that ever occupied the W.H.
When is this traitor going to be put in prison?????
This law breaking, thief, liar and s$#%&!@* bucket needs a rude awakening. He is a bully he is an idiot and any one that follows this mentally deranged bum is a idiot, bully and mentally deranged.
What is wrong with this idiot. ?
Yet Libtards worship him.