Once again, the Obama administration is defying the courts. The judicial branch seems to be just a propaganda machine for Obama at this point. He certainly touts their decisions when they rule in his favor, like with the Supreme Court vote on same-sex marriage, but then when rulings go against his agenda, he simply ignores them.
While he celebrates with his muslim brothers!! What a pig!
Point at me… I want God to see you pointed me out.
Our God is awesome. I wouldn’t want to be obama. Just keep it up.
He is evil and satanic
This black MOOOOOSLIME S O B is going to be the demise of the America we used to have.
Mr president I pray that God change your heart toward Him or that he remove you how ever He sees fit.
lets start bullying obama he is not our president
We cannot afford him any more. If we don’t get shot by illegals, we get shot by Muslims. If you don’t have a concealed carry permit, check your state laws about open carry. If he keeps this up, we are going to be back in the old west.
Impeach this Muslim moron . Now .