Once again, the Obama administration is defying the courts. The judicial branch seems to be just a propaganda machine for Obama at this point. He certainly touts their decisions when they rule in his favor, like with the Supreme Court vote on same-sex marriage, but then when rulings go against his agenda, he simply ignores them.
This man is a complete idiot. He’s doing a great job of dividing the American people
Somebody step up to the plate and do your country a great service!!!!!!!!!!
Amen sister!
Get rid of the EVIL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also the Democratic Party who are his Minions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He WANTS his way…He is the ONLY one who is right in every way, and it is a feather in his cap when he can force CHRISTIANS to the ground! The Muslim is emerging…more by the day and the challenge!
I distain you obama
obama continue’s to show his knowledge of laws. or lack of knowledge. since he cannot seem to follow any of them
What about Jade Helm paid for by American taxpayers dollars
BO needs to be Eliminated from the USA !!