Once again, the Obama administration is defying the courts. The judicial branch seems to be just a propaganda machine for Obama at this point. He certainly touts their decisions when they rule in his favor, like with the Supreme Court vote on same-sex marriage, but then when rulings go against his agenda, he simply ignores them.
Hmmm who is it who attacks Christians???????? Is it a nice understanding person or and evil prevented one?
There is either a separation of church and state or there is not. You can’t have it both ways!
He is a pig/
This POS is absolutely UNHINGED and WILL get worse before he is FINALLY GONE!
I agree with Cecil… You are right on..
Bring it on Satans minion
hey obama, go home, ur drunk!!
He’s a friggin idiot.
WE need to bully him the insane preson
Wish he we ould bully and threaten our enemies with the same fierce treatment.